History Lessons

Men are judged by their ability to produce; except in war, where they are ranked according to their ability to destroy. This is pointed out in Will Durant's Lessons of History. However in both cases they are praised or demoted on the strength of their ability to perceive accurately and to handle according to intentions -- i.e., to postulate. This simple two-edged sword has within it all the power of Truth, it soars above the complex feely-weely. Postulate and perceive. The ability to organize something, to perceive something--these above all.

Quoting again from Durant: The only real revolution is enlightenment of mind and the improvement of character; the only real emancipation is individual and the only real revolutionists are philosophers and saints.

Durant examines further the ordering of help which must be a primary ingredient as life goes on ordering colonies in any form--cells, organs, communities, nations, planetfuls.

"Nature and history define as good that which survives." God is the battle between good and evil, he is no part of either side. God is a verb, and the verb is SURVIVE! Not as ragged individuals breathing smog. The first question is what shall we survive AS? Ourselves, of course. In bounty, flourishing, prospering and above all helping all up and down the ladder of forms.

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Note: Augustus' rule and Octavius' Principate founded the Pax Romanum, a model of a group, from 30 B.C.. until around 150 A.D. What made this survival so strong? Find out the elements of Roman change around 27-30 B.C.

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