
This module is intended to bring the person more into contact with positive resources and having a positive direction in her life. The idea is to show her that there are positive resources available, for example from her past, and that they will always be available.

1. Positive reframing -

Whenever there is a chance to reframe something as a positive direction, do so. The idea in this module is to put attention on the positive, not the negative. However, when something unpleasant comes up, find a way of using it to illustrate a move towards better things. Of course, if it has to be handled properly with a clearing technique, do so. But preferably stay with fairly light stuff.

2. Positive moment remembrance -

Ask for occurrences of specific circumstances that are expected to be positive or resourceful. Asking specifically about them gets around any insistence on their not being any positive moments. Get the client to remember several of each kind of occurrence, like with:

"Remember a time when you ___"
"Remember another time when you ___"
"Remember the earliest time you can when you ___"

Use endings from a list like this:

Be Do Have
were happy
were successful
were being loved
were in love
were confident
were effective
were building something
were taking care of somebody
were accomplishing something
were playing
were winning
were improving yourself
got a present
had a friend
had money
saw things you liked
had more than you needed
had lots of time

These could also be done from different perceptual positions. Like: made somebody else happy, noticed somebody who was happy, heard about somebody who was happy and so forth.

3. Re-experiencing of specific positive moments -

Use a similar list of subjects as under positive remembrance. But here go deeply into each occurrence. Don't just remember it briefly, but go into all the details and perceptions and sequence of events. Experience it from different perceptual positions, get learnings from it and so forth. Here are some more subjects:

- a pleasant surprise
- learning something new
- discovered a secret
- really got to know somebody
- made a right choice
- won something
- created something.

4. Good Parts -

Get the person to list things that are right and good in her life. This is to get her to recognize that there ARE a lot of things that are fine, and to have a more positive outlook. You can take them from 1 to 10 and do them over as many times as necessary to recognize all the right things that are there.

"Give me some things that are ___ in your life."
1) known
2) balanced
3) in correct order
4) in their right place
5) in harmony
6) useful
7) happening at the right time
8) predictable
9) understood
10) "Give me some things that are right in this room."

5. General positive moment re-experiencing -

Ask for any particularly pleasurable or positive times in the person's life. Like, turning points where things changed for the better. Examine that time really carefully with re-experiencing. Go through the sequence of events, from different viewpoints, get all the learnings, etc.

"What has been a positive turning point in your life?"
"Tell me a really positive time you've had"
"What time was particularly enjoyable in your life?"

6. Future life -

Get the client to describe in detail how she would like her life to be at specific intervals into the future. The idea is to make sure she puts a positive future there and to have more certainty of it. Get many details, be sure that it is realistic. "Where would you live, what would you do, who would you know, etc."

"How would you like your life to be tomorrow?"
"How would you like your life to be in 1 week?",
".. 1 month?",
".. 1 year?",
".. 5 years?",
".. 10 years?"

7. General positive remembrance -

Get the client to state something she likes doing or that she feels good about. And then get her to remember times when that took place. Pay attention to any perceptions that come up from each situation. The idea is to make the client realize that she has ample access to memories of well-being. This goes more directly for her personal positive moments than a canned list would.

"What do you like doing?"
"Remember a time when you ___"
"Remember another time when you ___"
"Remember the earliest time you can when you ___"

"What makes you feel good?"
"Remember a time when you ___"
"Remember another time when you ___"
"Remember the earliest time you can when you ___"

8. Past life incident -

If the person hasn't yet experienced past lives memories and is interested in it, take her through some light past life stuff.

1) Instruct on taking what she gets and using imagination if necessary
2) "Is there a person you know now that you have a feeling of having known before?"
3) "Close your eyes"
4) "Locate a time when you knew ___ in a past life"
5) Coach client into getting something with steering, suggestion etc.
6) Expand what she gets into a whole incident
7) Ask for a lesson to learn from the incident
8) Bring her back to the present
9) Ground her

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