
Our main strategy on health is to establish or re-establish communication. If different parts of the person and different parts of the body are in communication with each other and they are aligned and energy is flowing freely, then the person is naturally healthy.

This is obviously something the person needs to physically and actively do. It is not enough to talk about it. We need to get our client to actually be more in touch with her body, know what it tells her, follow what is going on.

1. Health -

Interview the person on what she wants in terms of health. Get her to visualize the ideal health situation if everything could be the way she wants it. Get as many details as possible.

"What do you think health is?"
"What do you want in terms of health?"
"How do you want your health to be?"

2. Feel the body -

We need to get the person to start feeling her own body from the inside and be aware of all the different body parts. This is something one is likely to take for granted without really doing it. We all know we have arms and legs and so forth, but we might not be much in touch with out limbs at all.

Go over the different parts of the person's body. You can touch each part and ask her to feel it. Go in as much detail as possible.

"Feel this point"

Physical interaction is preferable. If it is not socially acceptable to the client you can also ask her to feel each body part in turn, without touching her. Or, you can do it both ways, since each gives a different way of experiencing it.

"Feel your (left ear)"

3. Bodies -

Examine the person's relation to her body in various ways. We establish a distinction between her and her body so that she can notice her relation to it, assess what is going on with it, and remedy things that need to be worked on. If specific issues come up, work with the with the appropriate technique.

"What are the advantages of having a body?"
"What are the advantages of not having a body?"

"Do you have any problems with your body?"

"How do you get along with your body?"

"Where has your body been?"

"What does your body tell you?"

"What does your body look like?"

"How does your body feel?"

"What thoughts do you have about your body?"

"What feelings do you have about your body?"

"What have you worked on concerning your body?"

4. Fixed ideas -

Look for fixed ideas in the area of health. Unfix them

"What advantages are there to being healthy?"
"What advantages are there to not being healthy?"

"Is there anything right about not being healthy?"
"Do you prove others wrong by not being healthy?"

"How would not being healthy help you?"

5. Tighten and relax -

Have the person tighten each muscle in turn and then relax it. Systematically go over the body. This will necessarily bring her more in touch with the body and more in control of each part. Incidentally it also tends to lead to a slight hypnotic trance, so it could with advantage be followed by a positive visualization or a deep communication process.

"Tighten the muscles in your (big toes)"
"Now relax"

6. Ideal body -

Have the client visualize in great detail how she wants her body to be. Stay within what is reasonably possible to be successful at, not wanting to be a foot taller or something. Have her actually see as clearly and vividly as possible how she would look, have her feel what she would feel, have her hear what she would say to herself, and what others would say. Have her see how her life would be if that is how her body is.

"How do you want your body to be?"

- Concentrate on different areas of the body. Notice how that body part feels. Describe it. Notice what is the most prominent feeling in that area. Then narrow it to a smaller area and do the same. Like, left foot, then the left big toe. Do with many areas.

7. Hello -

Have the person greet each part of her body. Have her say "Hello" or whatever else she finds appropriate. The idea is to address each body part as if it is someone we could start a conversation with. Notice what responses take place. If the body part just feels a little different, that is fine. The idea is to put out the idea of communication with a formal greeting, and to notice what happens. Repeat the hello for each body part as long as it is interesting. If more of a conversation starts, that is fine. Do whatever is appropriate with what comes up. But all we are asking for it to give a simple greeting with the intention to open up communication. The hello would usually be said out loud, but could also be done silently inside.

"Say hello to your (stomach)"

8. Body testing -

Use muscle testing to test each body part including internal organs. For the weak ones find out what is going on, get in communication, re-establish communication, get in more choices, etc. Use re-experiencing, 6-step reframing, or whatever else is necessary. Re-test after each action that is done. Do more actions on the same area until it tests strong.

To test, if it is external body parts you can put your finger on the area. If internal you can orient the person to where it is and just have her have attention on it. It can still be helpful to touch the body on the outside at that point.

Check at least these areas:

fingers, hands, arms, elbows, shoulders, upper back, lower back, toes, feet, calves, shin, knees, thighs, hips, sex organs, rear end, stomach, breasts, neck, jaw, mouth, nose, eyes, ears, head, brain, vocal chords, heart, liver, kidneys, intestines.

Depending on yours or the client's anatomical knowledge you can go to any degree of detail. Particularly the different glands of the body would be appropriate to check. And if you know what organs are likely to relate to what kinds of emotional issues it will also give you a clue on what to ask about. For example, the heart relates to how well one accepts others. Weakness in the heart might indicate built-up hatred, for example.

You are very likely to find traumatic incidents connected with weak areas, particularly the outer limbs. There might have been minor or major injuries. So, if you have an area, ask the client to keep her attention on it and then let an incident appear that relates to it.

Depending on how much you know about body physiology you can go more in detail on each part. Like checking for if there is a block on the level of tissue, bones, lymph, nerves, cellular level, genetic level, etc.

9. Body Communication -

Work on getting the client more thoroughly in communication with each major body part, in the form of having some kind of dialogue with it. Ask her to say hello to it, get a response from it, ask it what it is for, what condition it is in, and so forth. Ideally the body part will respond in a way that translates into language. If not, work with simple yes/no answers. Either by noticing the change in the way the area feels, or by mapping for example finger signals to the organ.

"What is your function?"
"What is your condition?"
"Is there anything you need from me?"
"Can you keep me informed about your condition?"

10. Body Organization $

If the client has a considerable level of communication with her body, work with her to organize the processes and entities in it to function optimally. She might need to adjust the mechanisms that deal with incoming particles, that adjust different glandular systems etc. We are not talking anything really complicated and medical. The idea is to get in touch with the overall organization that is running the body, to act as a consultant, adjust things, rearrange things a little big, work out any bugs and so forth. We don't want to tamper with the natural cycles that already are working, but a little interaction can be very useful. The different flows might need to be more coordinated and so forth.

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