Drug History Clearing

This module is for alleviating the effects of prior drug use of any kind. It deals with unwanted after effects, desirable secondary gains, and reasons for the drug use in the first place. By discovering and processing the use of these drugs, it becomes more a matter of choice, something one isn't addicted to or affected by any longer.

1. Inventory -

Write down a list of the types of drugs, alcohol and medicine the client has taken. Make it a thorough list. Like, if there are different significances to different types of alcohol, list them separately, even the different brands and so forth. Make the client do a complete assessment of the extent of the use of artificial substances, get the time periods, briefly the associated circumstances and so forth. Like, one might have gotten anesthesia for an operation.

2. Process each drug -

Take up one drug at a time from the list in the order of the most used or most severe drugs first. Then apply as many of the following techniquesto it as necessary. How much is done about each depends on how extensive its use was, how much the person is affected and how significant it is to her. Notice that as always it is the present time residual of any past situation that we are after. Extensive drug use or severe past incidents are in themselves not reason enough to process them, except to the extent that they are being re-created in the present.

3. Re-Experiencing -

Re-experience the major incidents of drug use, or the whole period of use. This is only to the extent that it is a loaded subject. If she has any kind of attention on it, or the use has been extensive, go back and let her go through it. Notice if there are any hang-ups in the experiences. If it is clear and completed, just finish off quickly. If it is mysterious, there are negative feelings about it, reactions to it and so forth, re-experience it thoroughly.

4. Missing Parts -

Find out if any parts of the person left during the drug incidents and didn't come back. If so, bring back the missing parts with soul retrieval. This particularly applies if there is any kind of unconsciousness, like during an operation. Did something leave that didn't come back? The drug might have driven away a part that was perceived as unwanted, but was a needed part of the person. Like, a pain killer might drive away a bodily feeling that was really trying to tell you something. And then the part that keeps track of what is going on might be missing. One might get rid of a sensitive part because it hurt, but thereby one loses one's sensitivity.

5. Acquired Parts -

Find out if there are any abilities, awarenesses, or parts the person got through the drug experience that she doesn't have without the drug. Discover their perceptual qualities or whereabouts. Work on making them available if they are desirable. At least get a direction set of recovering them.

6. Residual Reactions -

Check if any unwanted body reactions remain from the drug experiences in the present. Handle them with re-experiencing. Clear the reactions.

7. Life Changes -

Did something change after or during the drug experiences. Handle with the appropriate techniques if undesirable. Soul retrieval, re-experiencing, polarity integration.

8. Solutions -

Find out the drug was a solution to something or an escape from something, e.g. unwanted feelings or reactions. If so, work on the unwanted situation with whatever technique is appropriate.

Apply any of these steps to each drug on the inventory list as necessary.

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