sudden loss

Feels as though everything is gone? Feels like an enormous emptiness?

1. Tell a friend, or write down:
--everything you feel.
--all that is now lost to you.
--what you no longer have.
--the future that you no longer have because of this loss.

2. Feel the emotions that come to you. Let them flow,
i.e. do not stop them or judge them or analyze them, etc.

3. Write about all the similar losses you know about, whether they be yours or someone else's.

4. Feel the feelings that are there.

5. Write about what will happen to you because of your loss:
--What will happen today?
--Further into the future?

6. Feel what it all feels like.

How do you wish to feel in the future?
7. Write that down.

8. Feel it.

9. How could you create the future containing those feelings?

10. Take the first step.

You may need follow-up counseling, but this will help you over the worst of it.