Types of Actions

The Transformational Processing modules consist of framework of actions, things that are done. There are three distinctly different types of actions that take place here: semantic processes, training exercises, and in-life tasks. Each one has a distinctly different type of focus, even though some of the actions taking place might be similar. The types of actions are mixed throughout the modules, but some modules have more of one kind than the others. Each action type is labeled in the General Modules manual with a different symbol to make it easy to get an overview.

- Semantic Processes

The focus for semantic processes is the mind, i.e. the person's perceptions, thoughts, feelings, memories, desires, etc. We work on things by applying techniques that find and resolve blocks, and that explore different viewpoints. The central idea here is that if one changes one's mind about something, and frees up one's choices, things will work better out in life. The external life is a reflection of the internal reality, and in semantic processes we work with the internal reality.

# Training Exercises

The focus of training exercises is an observable skill. We are training the person in doing something, and it is the externally observable ability that counts. We will carry the person through gradually more challenging steps towards mastering a certain skill. We will spend more attention on actually doing it than on the reasons why one shouldn't. The idea is that if one can demonstrably do something as an exercise, the ability will also become available when one needs it in life.

$ Life Tasks

The focus of life tasks is specific outcomes in life. We are putting the attention outside the person, on her environment and what she needs to accomplish. We organize or expedite the accomplishment of those external tasks. We will worry less about skills and internal perceptions and will simply manipulate things into a more workable arrangement. The emphasis is on actually getting things done. This will tend to align the person's reality in the direction of getting somewhere. Facing the external situations can be rewarding and motivating.

We can switch back and forth as necessary. E.g. in doing an exercise you might find a semantic reaction that is blocking the skill being exercised. You can then switch to semantic processing and resolve the reaction. And then go back to the exercise. However, the three types are markedly different, so don't mix them up in themselves. You can switch between them, but always be clear on what you are focusing on.

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