Thought Forms

The idea here is to look for stuff in one's space organized around one's thoughts. Mostly what appears as foreign stuff, transferred from other people and so forth. We concentrate on the "stuff" here, rather than on the issues one might have with others. It might be picked up in one's interactions with others or it might be accumulated unresolved energy one has created around one's thoughts. It might appear as entities or simply as accumulated energy.

1. Simple Space Clearing -

It can be useful for the client to have some simple steps to follow to clear her space when necessary. One might often pick something up while interacting with others, so it might be useful to clear off what has accumulated of unwanted energy. If it is just something one does during the day one might need a quick way, not having time to go into much detail. For example, one can follow steps like this:

1. Notice that something is there

2. Decide if it is you or not you

3. If not needed, channel up to the spirit world (maybe symbolized by the Sun) or down into the Earth.

4. Send a ball of rotating, cleansing light through the body from bottom to top and top to bottom.

5. Imagine surrounding the body with protective light

2. Expanded Space Clearing -

If one has more of a safe space to sit down and sort out what is going on in one's space, one can follow a more elaborate procedure. Particularly one can clear any accumulated stuff more deeply, by finding out what is really going on with it, and taking the time to be more thorough. Any of a multitude of techniques might apply, but most likely will be incident re-experiencing and entity handling.

1. Sense/Feel what is there

2. How does it make you feel? What does it make you do?

3. Say Hello to it, interact/communicate with it

4. What is its Function?

5. Is it related to an incident?

6. Is it being put there from multiple viewpoints?

7. Is there something incomplete or unresolved?

8. Is it lacking resources, connections?

9. Hasn't it been accepted, acknowledged, used?

10. Does it need a new purpose, ideas, etc.?

11. Return it to where it fits in, or its moment of creation

12. If it leaves, put something there in its place that you want, or just space

3. Entity Handling -

An entity handling is useful to apply in session when something appear as an independent unit. It might be a part of the person's body, something in her space, or anything in her world. It doesn't matter if it is a person, we can talk with all kinds of things.

1. Recognize that there is something there that the client already considers separate from herself. Not an idea, but an independent unit identified by distinct perceptions, preferably including kinesthetics.

2. Get its attention, by having the client say "Hello" or something like that.

3. Notice what you get back. It doesn't have to be words, but there must be a response of some kind.

4. If it is not a talkative entity, establish some kinesthetic system of yes/no answers. Such as a specific change in a feeling, or automatic finger movements. Then ask if it is willing to communicate with us in consciousness. If not, you need to stick with questions that have a yes or no answer and you would need to work without knowing the content of what the entity is doing.

5. If it talks, find out what it is doing there.
"What are you doing?", "What is your purpose?", "What is your function?"

6. If its identity is unclear, the client can ask "Are you a part of me?"

7. If the purpose is unclear or doesn't sound very helpful to the person, you can find out what kind of incident created the entity, or prompted it to do what it is doing. Work it over with re-experiencing, complete what is incomplete, etc. The entity might leave, get uncreated, or might become more useful to the person.

8. If the entity seems to try to do something helpful, but in a very limited way, trace back the purpose to a more basic intention. "What is your basic intention?" It is a fundamentally good intention we are looking for. Then ask it to find some more, different ways of accomplishing that intention. It should get at least 3 new ways in addition to what it is already doing. It either needs to come up with them itself, or it needs to link up with some available creative source, inside or outside yourself. You don't necessarily have to consciously know what it comes up with. You can link it up with other useful resources in a similar fashion.

9. If the entity stays to help the person, you can negotiate any necessary arrangements. Does she need to instruct it, will it need to report back on a regular basis, and so forth.

10. If the entity ought to leave or cease to exist, but it has trouble doing so, address whatever might be holding it there. Ask it who it really is. Is there anything it hasn't completed or said? Does it need to be thanked or validated or appreciated for what it is or for what it has done? Does it need instruction or orientation or suggestions on what else it could do? Is anybody else holding it there? Be sure to treat the entity with respect, acknowledging that it has a right to exist and make decisions for itself.

11. Maybe the entity has information and guidance for the person. There might not be any issue of it needing processing at all. It might simply be available to help and inform.

12. When done with that entity, check if the result is in harmony with other parts of the person, or if there are any conflicts to resolve.

4. Entity Networks -

The main technique of handling an entity network is simply to find out what is there. We somehow perceive that there is something there. We talk to it and see if it answers. If it does we ask it what it is and what it is doing. If it seems to be acting alone we will work on finding its basic good intention and giving it more choices. Or we might run through some incidents related to it. If it doesn't seem to be alone we find out what it is connected with, or what is holding it there. Then we talk with that part the same way. We do that until we seem to have the whole network, until we have something that will resolve. Maybe we need to get to the top to get something with "authority" enough to resolve the structure. Often we will find a whole organization related to a certain subject. Like we might find a pizza bakery with somebody being customers, somebody being pizzas, somebody answering the phone, somebody being in charge, etc. The idea is to start wherever we get an entry point, track down the whole thing, and particularly get to the top.

5. Mutually Solidified Realities -

"Something" might be created from multiple viewpoints. That is, multiple participants might together be keeping a certain chunk of reality in existence. More than a simple incident there might actually be a mass there. Something in a person's space might work like that. It is not created by her alone, so she can't necessarily un-create it by herself. It is not just an incident, so she can't just re-experience it. We might need to get the multiple participants involved. Basically from each of the involved viewpoint we can take a look at what "IT" is, what function it serves, why it is there. One can do that for each participant in turn. And then one do it with all of them at the same time. Get all of the participants at the same time to experience what "it" is.

6. Body Masses -

The presence of areas of the body that appear more dense or heavy, or that have pressure to them, can be a good entry point into working with energy or entities. The idea is simply for the person to feel from inside the body if there is pressure in a certain area. Or, if it is a very visually oriented person, it might appear as a black mass. But preferably one should be able to feel it too. Then you simply address it. It might become clear that it is yours or somebody else's energy and it becomes clear where it needs to flow. If not, address it as an entity. Say hello to it, ask it what it is doing there and so forth. The idea is to wake it up, give it more freedom and more choices. In stead of just being a stuck mass there, we would like to make it more fluid, to make it either a useful helper, or to leave. One can go systematically over the body, looking for masses, or one can simply feel the whole body and feel where most attention is required. This whole thing can be continued for a considerable time until the whole body feels fluid and transparent.

7. Obsessive Thinking -

Any subject one finds oneself thinking a lot about, without particularly enjoying it, would be a good target. Particularly if it is negative or depressing subjects, and particularly if one's thoughts seem to be happening automatically or be amplified by an invisible something. These are not simply subjects you are thinking about or are interested in. They are subjects you'd rather not be thinking about. Below is a list of possible subjects. One can go through the list and see if there is obsessive thinking on any of them. Or other semantic reactions for that matter. There is no judgment that these things are "bad", they are just common areas that people might choose to have less automatic thought about. In this module our first thought would be to treat what we find as transferred energy, entities, or entity networks. There might well be entity networks continuously playing out whole scenarios in the areas that are active. And there might well be connections to other sources of obsessive thinking.


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